
About me

I am a PhD student in biostatistics at Helmholtz Munich and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, supervised by Christian L. Müller.

My work is focused on statistical methods for compositional analysis of high-throughput amplicon and single-cell data. Sepcifically, I am interested in compositional data, differential abundance testing, tree-aggregated analysis, as well as Bayesian and non-Bayesian optimization. I am also working on establishing and automating best-practice statistical workflows of scRNA-seq data from eucaryotes and procaryotes.

When I’m not working on biostatistics, I like to spend my time doing all kinds of sports, volunteering as a swimming coach, or organizing the StuStaCulum festival in Munich.


  • November 2022: Visiting researcher at Universtity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, working with Prof. Hongzhe Li